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Espro P7 Coffee Cafetiere
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Espro P7 Coffee Cafetiere

The Espro P7 Cafetiere is a premium coffee plunger designed for a two cup brew. Featuring a unique double mesh filter and silicon lip seal this cafetiere is designed to filter your brew twice, leaving you with a cup full of freshly brewed flavour with none of the grit.

The silicone seal around the filter is designed to prevent leakage and over-extraction as your coffee sits, while the double-insulated stainless steel build will hold a stable temperature during and after brewing - essential for getting the best flavour out our your brew. The Espro P7's stainless steel build also removes the risk of breaking glass, making it the perfect alternative to glass while on the move. 


  • 530ml capacity 
  • Insulated double-wall stainless steel build
  • Dimensions:  W 9.9cm X D 23.1cm X H 14.2cm
  • 1kg weight


  • Roaster's Notes
  • Bean Origins